Автор книги: Friedrich Schiller

Название книги:
Demetrius (play)
Der Neffe als Onkel
Die Piccolomini
Die Verschwoerung des Fiesco zu Genua
Don Carlos (play)
History of the Thirty Years War in Germany.
Kabale und Liebe
La Rabistoj
Letters Upon The Aesthetic Education of Man
Love and Intrigue
Mary Stuart
Revolt of Netherlands, V1
Revolt of Netherlands, V2
Revolt of Netherlands, V3
Revolt of Netherlands, V4
The Bride of Messina (play)
The Camp of Wallenstein (play)
The Death of Wallenstein (play)
The Ghost-Seer and Sport of Destiny
The Maid of Orleans (play)
The Piccolomini (play)
The Robbers
The Thirty Years War
Turandot, Prinzessin von China
Wallensteins Tod
Wilhelm Tell